Courtenay BC
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Registration at 10:00
Courtenay Riverway Heritage Walk
Ace Brewing Parking Lot

MCpl (Ret'd) Wade Wick, CD
Wade started his military career with the British Columbia Dragoons in 2000, he went on to join the Royal Canadian Dragoons in 2003, serving as an armoured reconnaissance soldier. He served 2 tours to Afghanistan in that role and went on to instruct at the Armour School in Gagetown. In 2012, he then moved over to the Air Force as an Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator and flew as a crewmember aboard the CP140 Aurora. He received a medical release in 2019 retiring as a Master Corporal. He currently resides in the Comox Valley with his amazing and lovely wife Lesia and their 3 beautiful children and service dog Delta.